December 31, 2012

goodbye 2012 (a look back at our year)

2012 has been a huge year for us
we started the year in Pullman, WA 
20 something weeks pregnant with Eleanor
and planning on michael taking a permanant job in Pullman
then a week or two before we had eleanor
we found out michael got accepted to BYU and we'd be moving this summer to Utah for grad school

then nine days late, weighing 9.5 eleanor was born via c-section

michael graduated with his bachelor's in electrical engineering
then around 5 weeks eleanor developed an allergy to milk protein and probably soy
and a few days later had a hospital stay on michael's birthday
we weren't sure what exactly was wrong
possibly a kidney infection..
but she developed roseola
(none of these things helped with my first ever bout of postpartum depression)
then in july we packed our boxes and the day before we moved, olive got stitches
then we moved to utah
and have had fun exploring it and living back in civilization
and enjoying living in and decorating a house
we celebrated halloween
we got lots of visitors and we hosted thanksgiving 
i wrote my 1000th blogpost and tried my hand at fashion blogging
and we hosted Christmas
phew! i'm tired from just writing this
it was such an eventful year
and a hard one, for me at least
i'm looking forward to 2013 
our only plans we have for the year are
michael and i running a half marathon,
a trip to disneyland with michael's family this summer,
and a family reunion with my family
i'm excited and hopeful that it will be an easier year


Kate Clayton said...

It's crazy to think about everything that happens in a year. We are so excited you guys are in Utah too. You and Michael have such a beautiful family! Love you guys!

Natalie Smith said...

I wanted to do a year review post, but it overwhelmed me! haha.
Cheers to 2013!

Monica said...

What a huge year for you guys!!! I love your house and you are so gifted at decorating it! I can't wait to see you guys this summer!

Laurel said...

Happy New Year! Hope it's a great one for you guys.

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Whew! I hope 2013 is a little easier too! But at least you are settled for now! And I love the fashion posts, you are really talented!

A said...

Big year! May 2013 be just as great!

andre'a said...

French, WHAT a ride! It was like re-living everything again! Hopefully it's just a lot milder, happier, easier year in so many ways. No more health scares for/with Eleanor. A super fun and happy summer. LOVE YOU!