February 27, 2017

little brothers

i brought jude in the high chair over to where i was doing laundry this morning
and henry came down looking for bullets for his nerf gun
then sat in the laundry basket and said it's his hide out
 aiming at his little brother..

 look at the way jude is looking at henry


i love these little boys
and our mornings together while eleanor is at pre-school

February 20, 2017

valentine's day 2017

eleanor was so cute going to her preschool party
the day before valentine's day
i don't think she knew how awesome it would be 
her mind was blown by all the candy and treats she got
she did such a good job writing "ella" on all her valentine's, too

 she put this heart on jude

 i tried to make it special for the kids
with little boxes of chocolates, conversation hearts and a little love note for each one
 i made them pink pancakes, too
they loved it

 the little ones and i met michael at teriyaki for a lunch date

 hazel wore all pink for ballet
 we got guido's for dinner
and ate it standing up at the counter 
so romantic
 cutest little tiny valentine
it was a pretty great day to celebrate our love

February 6, 2017

Ju Ju B Olson is 4 months old

i took a million pictures of jude on his 4 month birthday
he is such a sweet baby
he is outgrowing his fussiness and sleeping better and better (thanks to his sleepsack/swaddler)
he loves to eat his hands, is a great nurser, and makes us incredibly happy
knowing he's our last one makes all the little milestones feel extra special
he loves to take baths, can roll from front to back, is starting to reach and grab things, 
is quick to laugh, and is getting in a pretty good routine
he and henry even nap at the same time most days! hooray!
and now the million pictures i promised

isn't he just the sweetest little babe?
at his 4 month check up today he weighed 14 lbs 14 oz and was 24 inches long
he was in the 35% for weight, 7% height and 73% for head... yep, that's our baby!
i should also mention he is our only baby that (already!) loves pattycake, peekaboo, being tickled, people playing with his feet, funny noises
he is so much fun to play with
and on the verge of getting his bottom teeth already
we love you ju ju!