July 17, 2017

olive got a bunny (and other fun things since we got back)

olive picked a ring pop from the bishop for her birthday treat
 jude had his nine month check up
he's super healthy and right on target except for communication
but the day after his appointment he became a chatterbox so i guess there's nothing to worry about
 eleanor is a ray of sunshine
 noah's sweet to let them help with the lawn when they want to for a minute
 jude loves food
 foot long hot dogs
 olive's birthday present was this bunny she picked out
she named her daffodil and we all love her

 we had a fun day at the park with a girl i used to know growing up

 free chick fil a for dressing like a cow

 teaching daffodil to ride a scooter
 we love it when we have the pool to ourselves
 eleanor wrote the whole alphabet
 eleanor took like 200 pictures while i was coloring and cutting jenni's hair
that was a fun surprise to find later ;) 
sink bath!
 happy baby

driving home from the oregon coast

after a week away from home 
we used saturday to travel back
with a quick (ish) pitstop at ikea in portland
 the girls all went in the play land so we took the boys shopping 
 we stopped in hermiston
for a slurpee
 and pizza
another pitstop at deadman's pass
this trip made me even more grateful for michael
to ponder the 10 years we've been married
and the 14 since i got married before, how much life has changed since then
the relationship we have, the one he has with our children
and how easy going he was traveling with 6 kids for 7 days 
which wasn't all sunshine and lollipops but he's always up for anything
and so sweet and helpful
love you, babe

cannon beach and seaside

 friday we spent the day at cannon beach and seaside
we started with (second) breakfast from the cannon beach bakery
 then we hit the beach and i showed them haystack rock 
 pretty awesome to bring my 6 kids and amazing husband to the beach 
i got married on just before my 18th birthday 
 best husband in the world
i'm so happy with how life turned out
 we love any chance to play in the water and sand

 she loves being buried 
 happy boy
 mermaid eleanor
 hazel loved collecting seashells

 noah could have stayed in the water all day

michael builds the best sand castles
the kids love helping and decorating 
 haystack rock
 we headed to seaside around lunch time
first things first, we took the kids to the carousel
it was jude's first time 

 we ate lunch at bee bop burgers
 then we got ice cream
all of the kids wanted bubble gum!
 just like their mama

 swings on the beach are a pretty great idea
 we took the kids to the arcade for a few games 
 and stopped by the candy shop
 that evening we went to sunset beach one more time
jude made the beach much trickier than i realized he would
since he can crawl off the blanket and grab handfulls of sand to eat
but it was still fun  

 eleanor's hair really likes the oregon coast
she needs more moisture for her hair than idaho has to offer 

 the kids had a lot of fun playing in the backyard of our rental that evening

 a board game with their dad
luckily henry woke jude up (i wouldn't normally say this) because we were able to go see 
the peter iredale shipwreck at sunset on our last evening on the coast
it was beautiful
and really neat

it was a beautiful evening
and an amazing couple days at the ocean as a family