July 30, 2012

of course

so i was taking pictures of our living room full of furniture
when the kids decided to get in the picture
sitting precariously on the rug which is sitting on their dressers
 then olive started begging to get up, too
see her face?
well just seconds after i put her on the left dresser
i went to grab the camera to take another picture
when olive decided to move to the dresser noah and hazel were on
and her leg went between them, making her lose her balance
and she fell right off
and hit her face on that milk crate on the floor
so we went straight to the doctor with blood dripping everywhere
and i helped pin her down while she got stitches
it's our first time one of our kids have had stitches
and of course it's the day we're packing up to move
 it's not as long as this photo shows. the bottom part is blood
i think it's about 4 stitches
and i'm pretty positive she'll have a black eye tomorrow
poor girl!
i'm pretty sick about
and not just because i'm a sissy about blood


Shirley said...

Poor Olive! It is very tramtic to not only the child, but the mother.I have been there. I see she is smiling, which is a good sign. Hope your move goes well.

Marilou said...

Poor girl! But really, fantastic timing on her part. Go figure.

Natalie Smith said...

bless your heart! the first pictures are great and the next ones had great potential...poor girl!

andre'a said...

it doesn't look as bad as I thought, Principesa! I'm sure the bruising is bad, though, and it's just such a traumatic thing to go through right before moving. I'm so sorry!

Fleur De Moi said...

Oh no! Hope it's healing well. She looks pretty pleased by her adventure....after the fact.