August 24, 2015

first day of school!

i went on a fun girls weekend to see my sisters
(i'll have to post about it as soon as i get the pictures off my phone)
and didn't get home until sunday afternoon
the day before the kids were starting school 
so i tried to get everything ready
including shoes, backpacks, outfits, paperwork...
 somehow we pulled it off
there was no fancy breakfast or anything
but the kids looked cute and got to school on time so i'm calling it a win
olive started kindergarten today
 showing me her minnie mouse backpack
 hazel started 2nd grade today
 noah started 4th grade today
i see how old he looks and i know he is 9 but it's hard to comprehend 
that he's really growing up
and quickly!
 eleanor has been sure she's going to preschool this year
but she's not
luckily she was happy to spend the morning with me (and henry)
 the gang all ready to walk to school
they are so old! which must mean i'm old....
 eleanor had to get in on the pictures
 part way through our walk to school
we ran in to our bff's the hunts
hazel and jane are so happy to be in the class
and somehow lucky enough to be seated next to each other for now
 claire and olive are in the same class, too!
we got so lucky
all 4 girls held hands the whole way to school
it was so cute
 olive and claire's backpacks all hung up at the playground
 and then she ran off
without any thought of giving me a hug or saying goodbye
 i went and made sure noah and hazel found their spots to line up

 i thought it was cute noah and hazel were both first in their lines
 one last goodbye on my way out
 olive was so cute lining up with her class
she gave me a funny smile and blew me some kisses
 then henry, eleanor and i went home
and it was so quiet and peaceful for a few hours
eleanor helped me make some chocolate peanut butter cookies
olive was so stoked to eat some when she got home
everyone likes their teachers
and had a great day
here's to a great school year!


{natalie} said...

The kids are all looking so old. It's crazy.

I love that your girls have their best pals in their classes. That makes me happy. I loved when that happened when I was little.

Christie said...

I always loved the first day of school - and having a friend in class makes it that much better! I hope your kids have a great year. I can't believe Daphne will be starting in just over a week. Crazy!

Natalie Smith said...

cute kids!!! happy school year.