August 25, 2015

i am 30!

despite wasting my whole 29th year worrying about turning 30
it happened anyway..
but it was a good day
the kids gave me their cards and presents
noah made me a rocket card
 olive gave me a litlte card and wrote in it herself
 i love olive looking at me
 hazel made me this ring and i wore it most of the day
 michael made me a delicious omelet, hash browns and sausage
with hot chocolate, of course
and a friend dropped by jamba juice and a note on the porch which was super sweet
 we walked the kids to school
then we went to target and grabbed cafe rio for lunch
 i loved drinking out of the tumbler michael got me
"kittens get thirsty, too"
michael did so well in the gift department this year
before i left for my sister's house he gave me a new purse with this tumbler in it,
the pinkerton cd, sees chocolates, a watch, new lipstick, a dress i'd been wanting and the plane ticker 
 after we got olive from kindergarten, we stopped for mini-cupcakes
 before michael dropped me off for a spa day
i got a mani, pedi, and massage
it was so nice
and it was at a really nice place called two rivers

 after that, we got home and i saw michael had decorated 
and that my friends had blown up 30 balloons
and put 30 super sweet and thoughtful notes in them
plus, a few friends brought gifts over
it was the sweetest
then we went to dinner at grimaldi's for my fave pizza
 it was delicious, like always
 didn't michael do the best job decorating? 
we invited a bunch of our friends over to eat cake with us
michael got me my favorite dairy queen ice cream cake
and my friend courtney brought a bundt cake over
so we bought one more cake so there would be enough for everyone to have some

 everyone sang to me
 i blew all the candles out on the first try
 some pics of friends

it was so fun
maybe the best birthday ever
i talked to two of my brothers and one of my sisters, and my in-laws on the phone
heard from lots of friends
it was a really great day
and i'm excited about my thirties!!!


Shirley said...

Looks like you had an amazing birthday! You have such loving family and friends.

Charlene said...

Looking Fab on what looks like a great 30th birthday! Happy birthday!

Natalie Smith said... looked it and the party and did was too!