October 2, 2012


for our honeymoon michael and i went to hawaii
we spent a week on maui and it was amazing
we don't have any extravagant vacations in our future
so for now in between diaper changes and studying
we're dreaming...
 dreaming of quiet lounging on the beach
 peaceful car rides
 going to the movies
 waking up to birds chirping
and sleeping in way too late
 getting tan 
 going to fancy dinners and ordering way too much food for two people
and having time for just the two off us
one day we will go back


Shirley said...

Dreams are good. You took look so good in those pictures.

Natalie Smith said...

You look so happy.... love these pics.

miriam said...

how stinking cute are you 2? oh my goodness. I love that picture of Michael against the car. It makes me a little jealous my husband would never pose for a picture like that ;) you are a sexy couple!