October 1, 2012

my goals

i've been setting some goals recently
and i thought i'd share

first, i am growing my hair out
i've been on the verge of cutting it recently
not a huge deal to anyone other than me but i'm at a new all time long
(since i was like 5)
so we'll see where it takes me
it's hard not to cut your hair when you can do it yourself!

second, i've decided we should go tv free
i always have the feeling we should
and then i ignore it because it sounds hard
but the tv is put away and we're going to find better ways to spend our time
this does not include michael and i who will occasionally catch up on shows
using the laptop but the kids are a little obsessed lately
and i don't like fighting with them to moderate so i'm cutting them off
so far, so good

third, i have decided i'm going to run another half marathon
this next spring or summer
my parents are going to visit soon and bring us a treadmill
so i will start running then
i can't find time without our kids to run 
and running with three kids sounds too hard
but i do want to get back in shape so this should help
and give me a goal to work toward

fourth, michael and i need to find ways to spend time together
without kids
we need to go on dates, turn off the tv
and reconnect because having 4 kids
and being really busy  with them and school
can make it tricky
i don't really have a plan how yet
but as long as we're consciously trying, that will help


Kelli Dixon said...

Love your goals! I always think about going tv free too, but haven't been brave enough. Glad it's going well for you!

Heather Lively said...

Giiiiiiiii-iiiirl. What half marathon are we doing? You pick, I'll be there.

Fash Boulevard said...

Fabulous post, love. Such great goals. If you get a sec, I recently sat down with IwantHerJob.com and opened up about working for Lauren Conrad and some exciting TV possibilities. I'd love if you'd check it out. xo
