September 18, 2011

this week....

i spoke at the stake general priesthood meeting. i was the only woman there and spoke on fathers as the stake primary president and as a mother. it was interesting. it went better that i thought it would. i was mostly glad when it was over so i could stop stressing.

michael took the GRE (the test for grad school). that was also stressful. not as much for me but still. that day he was so busy he was gone for 13 hours. it wasn't my favorite. we are glad the test is over.

noah started soccer. not my favorite but he loves it.

hazel started potty training. we're having our ups and downs but she's more ready than she ever has been. we'll see how it goes.

olive is a fluent walker. she never really crawls anymore and has most recently learned how to carry balls with her when she walks. preferably two at a time.

we went to the fair today but i kind of wondered why. michael and i like the fair but our kids are afraid of animals/think they stink/think they're loud and won't ride any of the rides because they're too afraid. maybe next time michael and i want to go to a fair we should find a babysitter.

what can i say? i'm pretty glad this week is over.


Heather Lively said...

I cannot believe I didn't ask you how your talk went!!! I am the worst friend in the whole world! I'm glad it went better than you expected though.

Natalie Smith said...

oh man. our fair date night was the best event of the month! haha... maybe even the last 3 months ;)

you must have been a wonderful highlight to the priesthood session. what an honor to listen to you :)

Kate Clayton said...

Speaking in public is super stressful. Taking the GRE is super stressful. I'm feeling stressed just thinking about it :)

Monica said...

Sorry you've had a rough week ~ and you're preggers which never helps. Look up kid history on youtube ~ it will make you smile.

Youngs said...

you go girl! you get things done and that is a fact! you're amazing!

Erin said...

I wish I could have been there to hear your talk. Maybe you should read it to all of us at the playground!;-)