November 18, 2010

it's snowman day!

today brought our first day of snow
noah could not have been happier
and declared it "snowman day"
 right after our special snowman breakfast
(cold cereal)
the kids got dressed up to go play
 they are the cutest
and since michael's a better dad
than i am a mom
he went out with the kids
and made a giant snowman
while i stayed inside
and made everyone hot chocolate


Brooks and Heather Lively said...

When we were pulling in I was pointing your fun snowman out to JR. He liked it. You probably saw me stopped in front of your house and thought, "move along creeper." I was just checking out the snowman, k?

Erin said...

Fun fun!! I'm afraid the snow will be gone before Ava gets home to play in it!

Monica said...

It takes both kinds of parents ~ On modern family last night, the mom was telling her son that she used to be fun, but there can only be one fun parent, and it's dad. I can totally relate. But who would make the hot chocolate if you weren't there? Good job! And I can't believe you guys got snow!!!

Natalie Smith said...

That is a massive snowman. PS - the hot chocolate is a very important part of a snow day!

miriam said...

not that I never left the apartment today....but that is a very impressive snowman! I didn't think there was that much snow out there!

Corbetts said...

How fun!!! I wanted to make one but we didnt have enought by the time i got enough energy to get out! :( maybe next time!

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Snowman day - I love it! :D And hey, the hot chocolate part is just as important as the playing part! :)

Laurel said...

That's how we roll around here. I am NOT a fan of snow, so luckily daddy will take the kids out to play.