November 21, 2010

a little bad luck

cute baby noah

yesterday while i ran a 5k with my friend heather
michael and i locked ourselves out of our car
luckily our friend ashley was there and 
used her AAA to help get us back in
then we got in the car to visit family
only to discover we left michael's bag of clothes behind
poor guy
and now we've got some unexpected snow
which gave us trouble going up a hill
oh well
tomorrow we're going thrifting for more clothes
and we're happy to be with family
i can't wait to see my siblings!!


Brooks and Heather Lively said...

RACHAEL! We can bring Michael's clothes! Call Christa to let us in and get them. We can meet up somewhere and get them to you guys on Wednesday if you want.

Monica said...

Wow Tacho, that is a streak of bad luck. And you didn't mention any of it when we were talking tonight. Poor sweety. New clothes are always fun, though.

jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

Sorry about the bad luck! But did you say you ran a 5k!?!! GO YOU!!! I would love to some day, but I have a long ways to go before I'm ready for that! haha You're awesome. =]

miriam said...

that stinks! but that's awesome you did a 5k! lately I've been wanting to run SO bad, but I know it's because I can't, and as soon as I get the ok from the dr and the weather is better I will definitely NOT want to run.

Unknown said...

How did the race go?? Did you have fun? Good job:)!

Ben said...

I miss that little face!!