November 15, 2010

guess who's asleep in a big girl bed

hazel is!

she asked to sleep on the top bunk tonight
(noah prefers the bottom)
and after a little playing
she's asleep!
i haven't cared to make the switch
she can sleep in her crib until she's 5
 if she wants
but if we could get rid of our 2nd crib
that would give them a lot more space
which would be amazing
i love that my little kiddies have each other
i'm sure hazel will have an easier time with changes
because she has a big brother to lead the way


Natalie Smith said...

I hope his example helps your transition! We are still battling. It is a roller coaster ride. Some weeks and days are perfect with no issues and other days/nights are a LONG FIGHT! The top bunk is pretty exciting though...

Ben said...

She looks just like my little Winkie (sienna)! From behind, in those jammies, she looks exactly like Sienna! We love Hazie!!! And Noah and Olive!

Hardy said...

Hazel is so cute! And I'm sure Noah will be a great big brother to her and olive.

Monica said...

Good for Hazel!! I love that my kids have a big brother, too.

Laurel said...

She is so cute! Both my kids transitioned super early-- mostly cause I was worried they were going to kill themselves climbing out. :p I'm glad Hazel likes the change!