October 19, 2010

spooky gingerbread house

heather and brooks were awesome
and invited us over for halloween gingerbread houses
after the kids were in bed
it was so much fun!
 noah was so excited when he saw it the next day
but then got some crazy eyes when i said he could eat it
 here they are working away at it
 and this is what olive did
funny thing about it...michael joked that it looked like a temple
and then the next day
noah said "hey dad, mom's letting me eat the spooky temple"


Erin said...

Haha!! I love the spooky temple!

Debbie Olson said...

It's always good to write down the amazing times so that when there is a bad day it's easier to get through it - LOL Sounds like you guys are doing awesome! Miss ya

Monica said...

What a great idea! I would never think to do one for Halloween. I may have to steal this idea ~ except that sugar brings out the inner ghoul in my children.

Natalie Smith said...

I love that idea! How fun... and you need more candy laying around this time of year! ;)