March 12, 2009

win win win

i am totally diggin' this potty training thing
having one kid in diapers is a breeze
not to mention the benefit of cute little undies
 and pinching noah's bum all day
plus washing and changing way less of these 

which makes my life lovely
if only hazel were ready too...


Kelsey Danielle said...

your gonna laugh... so I have been frantically cleaning the house because my inlaws are coming tonight to stay for a week. I go to rotate the laundry and everything in the washing machine has weird white stuff on it... oh yeah I washed a DISPOSABLE diaper with the colors... not good! Ha ha I've never washed a diaper before but I'm glad to hear you have a lot less to wash now!

andre'a said...

Frenchie, I know, having only one in cloth diapers is great! (James still hates it, by the way, but we're stretching our disposables for PUERTO RICO!). Let's celebrate the good times with only one in diapies...

Unknown said...

gee wiz i'm jealous - although mia has had the stomach flu the past I'm EVER-SO-GLAD i didn't start potty training. timing is everything right?

e. said...

I know this is a little weird, but we met in the mother's lounge at church a couple of months ago- thanks for posting about the diapers. I'm wanting to try cloth and couldn't remember the name of yours. You are my diaper genie.