March 13, 2009


sometimes i like to look on etsy
i can window shop for hours
i see how talented people are
sometimes i dream of being like them
being able to create something
and not have it be an accident/miracle
maybe one day
how are some people so dang cute?
i'd like to learn how to paint
or make things
or dance
or live in the city
oh the glamorous life i don't have
if only i didn't feel this deservedness to have everything i want
like a really cute house
and everything in it that would look fabulous
maybe it's the youngest of 6 in me
it's hard being poor
and unable to shop at anthropologie for every piece of clothing i own
woah is me


Trudy G. said...

Rachel, you are unique and talented in your own way and I love reading your blog. I just discovered Etsy and it's so cool. I haven't bought anything on it yet. Remember: all good things come to those who wait.

Mike and Jennie said...

I know that you don't write this stuff just for others to make comments on it, but you totally are talented. You have serious skills when it comes to decorating and your personal style. You house always looks cute and well put together. I always wish that you could come to my house and help me decorate.

Monica said...

Tacho! You are one of the most talented ladies I know! Like one of those scrapbook ladies WITHOUT the stick up your butt! Please forgive me, I thought you meant to spell ebay with two typos next to each other.

jack!e @ One Saturday Morning said...

oh man, I think we're living the same