January 23, 2009

cameo earrings

It's time I start wearing the jewelry in my jewelry box. I have been holding on to most pieces of the jewelry I own since childhood, when I discovered it in my mom's jewelry box. She's so sweet and gave me all the funky jewelry I wanted. I've been thinking lately how I need to be that way with Hazel when she's older too. If she likes funky things, I'll pay it forward and pass things on. Anyway, that was a tangent. I have had this problem since I was maybe..3 and started dressing myself. I want to dress for every occasion. I used to change like 10 times a day when I was little. I haven't really outgrown that. If I am exercising I need exercise clothes on. If I was horseback riding I needed specific (preferably REAL) horseback riding clothes on. I really wanted to be a ballerina. I really did. Mostly just because I wanted to wear a leotard and tutu. So pretty. So now I change myself to exercise, to lounge, to go out, to REALLY go out (like fancy), or to church, etc. I even change my kids for various activities. They need different clothes or at least some different things on to go outside or to be inside or to get dirty or for holidays or special days. It's probably an illness. It drives some people crazy. Luckily not Michael because he's ultra patient. He has learned not to compliment an outfit until I'm really ready to go because I'll be irritated that I think he's pressuring me into an outfit I don't want to wear and then I feel guilty for changing. Ok that was another tangent. The point I was getting at is that I always have to be dressed appropriately for every activity. Like for instance my outfit to Michael's family Christmas party is not what I was planning on wearing. It was really casual and I was going to at least look a little fancier and wear a red shirt or something. And Hazel was supposed to wear a Christmas dress and not her tiedie pants. Anyway, I've always wanted to dress how I think it is appropriate AND how I think other people will be dressed or think I should be dressed. I've never wanted to be the mom with purple hair if you know what I mean. I feel suppressed when I look like someone I'm not. I have a very conservative life and beliefs but I can still be who I want to be. I am going to try to just be more true to myself. Wear what I like more often and not what I think other people expect or will look like or would like me to look like. I have had the same taste since I was really little. I always wished I was born in a different era because I like old, funky, vintage, retro things. I always have. Thats why I've held on to the same jewelry my whole life. I'm going to make an effort to wear it more. Even dare to look funky in front of people who aren't. Buy things even when my sisters think they are ugly. So today I'm wearing old man pants I bought at the thrift store in high school, a cool new shirt I bought in PA for $5 and cameo earings. It's rockin'!


Michael said...

I like your new blog, I didn't even know you owned cameo earrings. I'll see you in a little while. Maybe we can go out tonight...

Mike and Jennie said...

I totally have the changing clothes thing except I don't have as good of taste as you. I will put on an outfit and then change the shirt and then change the pants to go with the new shirt...about 20 changes later I am wearing the same thing that I wore three times in the past two weeks. Arggg.

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Hi Rachael! I'm Sara - a friend of Jennie's. I have a question for you. Jennie said you use cloth diapers for your kids. I am [strongly] considering using them on my son. I've been using disposable - but am totally drawn to the earthly and cost effectiveness of the cloth!
Do you have any leak problems at night, or when you're out and about for a while? Also - do you use flushable liners for poopy diapers?
Thanks for any advice!

Oh - here's my email sara_luvs_dan@hotmail.com or just hit me back on your blog comment. Lol I don't know. Whatever works for you :)

Christie said...

I was just thinking about your old man pants the other day, and how I always loved that you called them what they were - old man pants - and didn't try to make them anything more "acceptable" than that. I tried it once in college. I bought some ugly sweater and called it my "nerd sweater" but then I remembered that I actually AM a nerd, so other people probably thought it was just a normal sweater on me. oops. but you're awesome!

Anonymous said...

You're so funny. I was going to email you, but then I thought I would check out your blog-life and I feel like you should write a book. Seems like you say things people can relate to but never talk about. I love it. Hope you are well!