January 22, 2009

random thoughts

I like the end of the movie Juno.
It makes me miss that big pregnant belly and sweet high school love.
The rest of the movie is a little bleugh and swears a lot.
I'm feeling good and proud of myself for getting up and jogging each morning.
It's not a lot but it's a lot for me.
I feel in better shape already, like I'm losing the baby belly more each day.
what else
being a mom is hard
but i like it
michael and i had a good talk last night
it didn't seem very good at the time
a lot of negativity
but it ended well
in bed
i talked to my old best friend's sister today
it was nice
she told me she wants to be a mom
i automatically told her it's not all it's cracked up to be
it's hard
but thinking about it now i think it's neat she wants to be a mom
and it makes me grateful i am one
michael's working on homework
that's why i'm still awake
been watching tv
way more than i should but there's a giant tv here and a million movies on all the time
like juno
and ps i love you
plus i watched the office
and kath and kim
no one else likes that show but i think it's hilarious
whenever michael and i stay up really late talking and eventually making love
we get along a lot better
like it solves any problems we have
i barely hated living here today
that was nice
plus it's thursday and an all new office so that helps too
oh and i had a slurpee
this is kind of fun typing random things
i don't often share what i'm thinking
even when asked
i say...oh nothing or ...just what we're talking about
it's never a true answer
because i don't think he wants to hear what i'm really thinking about most of the time
or it's stupid and unrelated
like what should i wear
oh neat this
or that's ugly
the whole blogging thing is funny
like i shouldn't be afraid to type whatever i want because it's my blog
but then i am nervous to put just anything on
who reads this?
i don't know
i kind of like it like that
although it is odd when i haven't really thought of that and then someone talks to me about something i blogged and i think ooops
but oh well
i kind of like that random people could read my blog
and enjoy it
or relate
or whatever
or feel like they get to see a piece of my life
you don't have to know what i mean
i know what i mean
it's a good outlet reguardless
i don't think it should be private
what are you afraid of?
you don't even have an ex-husband you're worried about "seeing" your life
not that that even matters really
it's not his life
i kind of don't want to have the comments thing on
although i love comments
it just seems like sometimes thats what i blog for
and that's not really the point
i tend to bottle things up
a few people know that best
it seems good to have a place to put my feelings and thoughts
without caring what anyone thinks about it
or whether anyone's reading
i do love being a mom
i hope michael knows that despite our talk last night
and i hope he knows i love him
with all that i have to love with
he's a really good husband
the husband i always wanted
now i'm at a loss
i guess that must have been what i was getting at
i don't know


Mike and Jennie said...

Well I am not sure after reading this if you really want a comment or not, but I always love to give my two cents. I love your blog and I always enjoy reading it. One of my sister in laws even added you to her blog because I am always telling her about the things that you post. I think that it is good to use the blog to get out those things that you are thinking about. You are a great mom and you are always taking on the world and I think that is awesome. I think that you are awesome. Also, good on you for the jogging thing. And Grandma Shirley has a blog now too. You can get the link from my blog.

Rachael said...

I appreciate your comment, Jennie! Who doesn't love comments? You know what I meant though, right?

Monica said...

Tacho ~ It's so healthy for you to be honest with your feelings. I know a 90 year old who is still struggling with that and I think she's wasted her life trying to be what she thinks other people want her to be. Being a mom is hard, but when you get burned out it may help to take some time by yourself and recharge. Having a date with Ryan or just time by myself (usually spent cleaning) really helps. I love you and I'm proud of you!

Aimee said...

Rachael, You make me feel so much more brave. There are things that I bottle up because I am so AFRAID of what others will think. But what does their thoughts have to do with how I feel about me, everything. You are awesome. You are a person that others aspire to be, as a sister, a mother and a friend. Don't forget that.

Sara Sue said...

i love your honest blogs. i believe comment options are there so you dont have to speak out loud about the blog. verbal conversations about blogs almost defeat the purpose of a blog.
i understand.