December 26, 2008

it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas is over

It was wonderful
We stayed inside all day and watched movies and played.
It was so relaxing, I loved it.
Look how happy this guy is. Noah couldn't take his eye's off of his new Buzz Lightyear toy. He's quite the Toy Story fan. We really enjoy how much he loves it and how little it matters that we got it at Goodwill for $2.00. We had such a lovely Christmas dinner. Michael cooked and even cleaned up! Merry Christmas to me!!


Dawn said...

Michael cooked AND cleaned up??? Wow. I'd keep him around if I were you. (o:

andre'a said...

Yes, definitely hoping you keep Michael around...(or else you know I'd love a roomy in Chicago!!!) j/k lol, bff, JJ..I need some TB real bad! Frenchie, I'm so glad that you had a wonderful Christmas. The pictures are so cute. Noah is getting to be such a big boy! Although, where's that other little one? I could've sworn you had two! Your title of this post put the "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" song in my head. Our Dollar Tree light bulb has been flickering all day. Hm. Wonder why. Love you soooo much, feels like we haven't talked in forever! jmeezy

Monica said...

How do you have pictures of Noah at your house on Christmas when Pinks has a picture of him at her house for Christmas? I'm a little corn-fused. And what's TB?