August 5, 2020

the rest of july

one last look before i painted the plank wall dark
clean kitchen
 waiting for homemade raspberry ice cream
a blurry picture jude took of me and michael
henry made a backyard lemonade stand and "tent" to sell from
cutest backyard jam session
ready to paint 

it's different but i like it, especially with the new table and chairs 

they were playing america's got talent in the new room
looking good with the tv and plants back
sleepover shenanigans
morning snuggles
turns out it was a bad day to wear make up but we got a lot done on the room


paint then carpet

cute matching girls
tadaaaaaa! so happy to have made it this far

painting baseboards 
i set the rug next to the table and realized it would look really good in here so i decided to try it
it's risky business under a table where kids eat but so far so good
we've been letting noah and hazel watch the office
smoothie mouth

we moved noah in and that meant a giant room shuffle for everyone except me, hazel and michael
first night in his new room 
the little boys new room needs new paint but it's so nice for them to have more room
olive loves her room
going out with friends 
when it's 105 degrees 

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