December 16, 2018

another great december week

these two can be hard to take places by myself so often we just stay home but we were really antsy
so we went to target and they did pretty well
 popcorn and icee helped
  we took hazel to a retirement center to sing for k-kids (a club at school)

 then we headed to the church for the girls' piano recital
it was eleanor's first one and she was VERY nervous so i sat next to her while she played

 got lights up on the house, thanks michael!
henry and jude are big fans of this mickey
michael and i went to his friend zach's wedding
 he gave me a piggy back to the car
noah had been gone overnight and all day to mccall to help with snowcapades
for the cupscouts
he came home happy and tired
 lit up at night
 we went to michael's other work friend austin's house to play a game with him and his wife
 we finally got the Christmas tree decorated
well, the kids did and i watched
michael was sick in bed

 i was pretty proud of myself for taking all six kids to church alone while michael was sick
 my little helper
 for family home evening we decorated ginger bread houses

 all ready for an ugly sweater party in this fancy sweater/skirt combo i thrifted
 mandy and her husband hosted
and it was huge and super fun
 michael wore a fancy woman's sweater we thrifted
 i love having big kids who can make their own food and clean up afterward
 henry wasn't feeling great
but i'm the one who ended up taking a nap until michael got home

 michael was home sick but feeling better so we got some lunch after we took henry to school

 flowers for my friend melanie on her birthday
 these two are pretty cute together
 i sold this high chair a couple days ago because jude has refused to use it for months
that's the end of an era
 ready to play outside
 i hung some things on our bedroom wall
noah earned his first paycheck of the year for serving lunch
and got recognized by his principal for being kind to his teachers
 it's that time of year
 jude asked me to take this
 i hung the stockings
 jude yelled, "dinner time" and then sat in his chair and said the prayer
trying out a new cookie place that was giving away cookies
 henry, eleanor and olive planned a sleepover all week
with hot chocolate, pie face and hide and seek
they did a good job going to bed, too
 the ward Christmas party/breakfast was a pain to plan
but it went well
 ready for the program
 he got nervous but really enjoyed santa

 Christmas shopping and a lunch date with michael

 we surprised the kids with a movie last night
 they were so excited
wreck it ralph two
in the fancy theater with reclining seats

we're getting closer to Christmas and more ready
it was nice to spend the day together yesterday, things have been so busy

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