January 25, 2017

jude is three months

jude turned three months on the 3rd of january (a few weeks ago)
here's what i wrote on instagram:
jude at 3 months loves to suck on his hands, smiles a lot, has laughed a little,
takes a binky as a last resort, doesn't nap as much as a three month old should, sleeps pretty well at night, keeps his mama on her toes and totally in love

 i had a bit of a rough start with jude
postpartum depression, trying to adjust to six kids, messy house,
 hard to find time to cook dinner, he's fussy, 
wants to be held all the time and still fussy while i'm holding him,
 i wasn't very happy about any of it
but now that he's 3.5 months old we are doing much better
the depression has passed, he is less fussy and i am totally in love
i took these pictures a couple days ago
and i love them and him so much

he isn't suddenly way easier
he's still a little tricky
but i feel much more bonded to him than i used to
and now we're best friends
he is mine and i am his 
i love that he isn't allergic to milk so i can nurse him
and he usually only gets up once at night around 4:45 
between 9 or 10pm and 7 or 8am the next morning
and he has the cutest blue eyes
he is really sweet
his laugh and smile are my favorite
i am so grateful to be jude's mama

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