July 26, 2016

last week was hard but it got better

 twenty eight weeks! third trimester (time to get ready for baby)
michael bought us a new van the day before this
and it's identical to our old van but has 8 seats and way more features, yay!
 spending time at the pool
 hazel is such a sweet second mom
 i was so tired after camp and the week felt never ending
sweet michael brought me flowers home on day and it helped
 fell asleep reading
 they didn't know i was taking a picture
but i love the teenager(y) looks hazel and noah gave me
 helping me prep the baby's room
 i took the kids to the park and splash pad at settler's and it was great
but we left when hazel and another girl closed their eyes and ran in the water and bonked
so hazel has a pretty nasty black eye

 taking a look at the baby things i've gathered for our sweet baby
 going to the pool in the evening when michael can come is way more fun

 the moody's came, too
extra fun

 olive's summer hair looks a lot like dreads...
 i took the kiddies to the science center
henry is a little scientist already

 the kids were making me CRAZY on the way home
but i love them anyway
 i gave hazel her first sewing lesson
 (we waited until she was eight, like noah was, so she could reach the pedal)
she loved it so much and wants to sew all the time now
 she made a little pillow and blanket for her dolls and stuffed animals
 did i mention the dishwasher broke while i was at camp
it did not help with my tired, long week last week having to wash dishes by hand
 unsuccessfully back to school shopping
i might have to take them out individually
 saturday we went to the farmer's market
(mostly for the treats)

 and costco
isn't michael the sweetest dad?
 that night we went to panda express for dinner
because noah's body has been really "needing" it
eleanor decided she was too cool to sit with us
she's really asserting her independence lately
 michael helped me color my hair
i got rid of the gray up top
and then covered the highlights with something a little darker
i like it a lot
 despite waking up after 8, we somehow got to 9 o'clock church a little early
so i got a cute picture of the kids before we went in
 eleanor designed her robot costume out of a wipe box thanks to her dad for helping
 love this little monkey
 we had our 15/16 year old sunday school class over for an ice cream party sunday night
they were so sweet to play with the kids and wash all the dishes for us
 olive-future roller derby girl
 more dishes by hand..but michael thinks he fixed it last night
after cleaning out the motor
fingers crossed!
 i took the kids to a new park yesterday and we had a lot of fun there

i love these kiddies so much
even if i feel inadequate to have so many kids sometimes
especially while tired and pregnant
i am so blessed to have them


Tami said...

We don't have a dishwasher and I feel like I'm constantly doing dishes. I can't imagine adding 3 more kids and their dishes!

Natalie Smith said...

that park looks like a blast