July 29, 2016

swimming with the hunts, nesting, resting and scooter riding

monday night we went swimming with the hunts at their pool
 michael trying to convince dave to do something dangerous, of course
with eleanor and jonny watching
 hazel and jane discussing very important things, i'm sure
 noah and audrey pretending to be dead?
 i moved my snake plant to the kitchen, it was getting too tall for the mantle
i like it here but i should probably re-pot it before it explodes
 i went to the temple tuesday night and sweet michael surprised me by painting a second coat on the baby's walls
 i love a little me-time in the morning before the kids wake up
 michael seems to have fixed our dishwasher
 i've had to take lots of afternoon naps lately
so dang tired
 i put the crib together for the baby all by myself
 ok, henry helped a little
 cutest little best friends in all the land

 he came back to help some more
and he couldn't be cuter
 not enough room on my lap for all these kiddies
 michael selfie
 one more taken by michael
olive was at a play date and henry was napping
 eleanor was so stoked to have her old crib set up
 she even tried sleeping in it that night
but ended up in her own bed instead
 my little evil knievel 
he seriously tried riding it down the stairs first
then tried doing wheelies
olive's doll scooter isn't going to last the month

 i am completely in love with him
 when the kids asked what i was making for dinner (potato leek soup and rolls)
noah yelled, "yay!" while the girls yelled, "no!"
 eleanor drew me and her
i love her artwork
 the baby's swim shorts came for next summer 
they are tiny and adorable
 while hazel was at activity days and noah was fishing at the pond for scouts
we took the little three to get icees and to the park
olive is way too cool
 eleanor was so hilarious
after sliding this way she said, "don't try this at home"
where does she come up with these things?
 fun dad
luckily no one got hurt..
i had my 29 week ob appointment yesterday
at my last appointment the baby was measuring a week behind
and at this one he was measuring two weeks ahead
quite the growth spurt
and sadly my doctor will be out of town the week i am scheduling my c-section...
oh well
at least the baby is growing well

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