March 28, 2016

the rest of spring break

michael took thursday and friday off to spend time with us while the kids were on spring break
thursday we hiked table rock as a family
it's about two miles each way but the view is gorgeous

super dad
eleanor made it most of the way up but by the end michael carried her
and henry!
at the top there is a giant cross
 the whole fam bam at the top

olive is eyeing hazel's orange and hazel is sporting pig tails to match mine :) 
olive was using the binoculars
 we used the bathroom at the old penitentiary when we were done
 and we ate at the taco truck downtown after our hike
 it was so good!
 friday we took the kids to kung fu panda 3
we'd been dying to see it
and it was still in the dollar theater so we went
 and we all loved it

 afterward noah went to a birthday party
and we dyed eggs with the girls while henry napped

 when noah got back we had a nerf fight and noah stood in front of me to protect me
thank goodness for michael saving spring break!
it was so much easier to do things with him
love that guy

1 comment:

Natalie Smith said...

looks like a great rest of break! pretty views...