March 28, 2016

easter 2016

we did egg hunts and gave the kids their easter baskets saturday 
in an effort to keep sunday a little more spiritual
they loved waking up and finding their easter baskets

 i love eleanor's stoked face over her pez dispenser 
 cute little bunny

 matching gingham 
 all ready for the ward/neighborhood egg hunt
with their spoils at the park
we thought about going to the egg hunt at the village but when we got there it was crazy
and they were staggering the egg hunts so much we would have been there for hours
we had one at home instead
it was so fun!

 that big toe...

 sunday morning michael had to be at church at 8:15am 
and church was at 9:00am which was crazy early anyway
and then to get the kids ready by myself....not fun
but we made it! and on time!
 look at those girls holding sweet
 henry was so cute in his hat and suspenders

 the girls were so cute in the dresses i made them for easter
and hen and noah were so cute in their matching khakis and bowties 
 i made overnight cinnamon rolls for easter morning
the kids loved them

 i hardly had time to eat one before church
but they were delicious after church
eleanor was so stoked to get her candy from the bishop for her birthday
she got it early since general conference is next week
and she shared with everyone, of course
henry's nursery teachers made him adorable bunny ears
and gave him a jellybean necklace (worst idea ever for kids in their church clothes)
 setting the table for special dinners is one of my favorite things

 for dinner we had ham, scalloped potatoes, rolls from scratch, asparagus, sparkling cider
and marshmallow fruit salad

 it was so good
and for dessert michael made a chocolate cream pie
it was a really nice easter
i am grateful i got to spend it with my family
and grateful for our Savior
happy easter!

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