January 17, 2016

hazel and eleanor's ballet recital

yesterday was crazy
we had hazel and eleanor's ballet recitals
at separate times
hazel was in the matinee and eleanor was in the evening show
which meant they had separate dress rehearsals, too
it was a fulllll day
hazel was gorgeous as always
 this is her fifth year of ballet and she still loves it as much as she did when she started
 i love to watch her dance and i think it's really good for her
she could easily be too shy to want to perform but she's used to it and i'm glad
 a class picture
 this is a picture of dress rehearsal but we'll pretend it's from her actual recital
her class performed so well
right after she was done we got to pick her up from the stage and give her flowers
then we went out to the car and changed eleanor into her outfit and let her have her flowers early
since the rest of the family wasn't going to sit through a second 
(identical but with other classes) recital

 olive picked out the girls' flowers and gave them to them
and she's starting ballet again next week because she decided she does want to do it again
she was crying because she was fighting with noah 
but insisted on being in the picture..
 a few pictures of our swan
this is eleanor's first year of ballet
she loves it
she was nervous to get on stage for the rehearsal but wanted to go back up during hazel's recital
 i was amazed i got her hair slicked back as well as i did 
lots of hairspray
 showing me some moves
 a class picture
eleanor was feeling sassy by the time it was her recital
 there were five in their class but one just moved and the other is out of town
 i was the class mom so i entertained the girls before and after their turn
until the final bow at the end
which was long and tiring for little three year olds
 about to perform
the perk of being class mom 
watching from the sideline and snapping a quick pic before the show started
(they were first)
eleanor's class did really well
she kept trying to look over and talk to me while dancing but i didn't mind ;) 


Natalie Smith said...

i love recitals!!! your girls looked beautiful.

miriam said...

There aren't any dance classes near us since we moved and it kills me. Your girls look so beautiful! I shouldn't like the picture with mad Olive as much as I do....

Shirley said...

The girls just look adorable!

Monica said...

I love your girls so much!