December 28, 2015


the kids slelpt until just after 7:00am on Christmas 
we were happy to get as much asleep as we did
this is how we left things at 11 the night before all ready for them
we really didn't get the kids that many presents and a lot of them were books
but their big presents looked impressive
 their first peek
 look at that happy face!
 eleanor had to change before we went down because of a little accident
and i'm positive her shirt is backwards
 we almost forgot about stockings

 noah was so sweet to get everyone their stockings before he looked in his own

 then it was time to open presents
noah said, "santa's cursive looks like mom's"
darn it..
his big present was an electric scooter

 hazel's "big" present was roller blades but she was also stoked about her new easel
 henry loves his new basketball hoop (as does everyone else)
 i love to watch their faces as they open presents

 so happy with her hallie the hippo and doc mcstuffin scooter
 my big present was a new coach purse
i love it
Christmas breakfast
we had waffles with whipped cream and strawberries, bacon, and hot chocolate
 michael's big present was a ping pong table
we all had fun taking turns with it 
 for dinner we invited the hunts over because they didn't really have plans
so the dinner table became the kids table and the adults just ate in the living room

 we had lots of delicious food
including rolls, cheesy biscuits, ham, scalloped potatoes, jello,
 asparagus, and lots of yummy appetizers

 i loved that dave and crystal used the ping pong table as their table
 crazy michael
it was a good Christmas
it was nice of michael's parents to come celebrate with us
and fun for the hunts to come for dinner
the kids were really happy and that's what matters most
Merry Christmas!!


Shirley said...

It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas.

Monica said...

What a great Christmas! It's so nice that you had Michael's parents there and you got to have your friends over, too.