August 10, 2015

sunday funday!

i got up first sunday morning
so i went down and made everyone chocolate chip pancakes
and after breakfast we started talking about what everyone wants to be for halloween
everyone cuddled on the couch with me to look at their old halloween pictures on my phone
i love all five kids piling on me

after her bath, and just as i put a bunch of product in her hair, eleanor asked me for straight hair
like her nursery teachers :)
she looks so different with straight hair
but still so cute

 it's so long, too

 the girls all ready for church

 henry wouldn't sit still for a picture
 my handsome boy
why are our kids looking so old lately?! 

after church we had the hunts and moodys over for dessert and badminton
the judds stopped by, too
it was a pretty great sunday


andre'a said...

French! Where did your blog list go? I wanted to find Breann's sister's food blog. These pictures are SOOOO cute! Olive totally looks like Tyra Banks in her dress and with the bangs and being so tan! Heart them all.

Natalie Smith said...

Darling straight hair!!!

Charlene said...

Look how long that hair is. Your girls are beautiful!