December 28, 2014

henry is nine months!

 henry is nine months today
i totally love this age
i keep telling michael i wish henry could stay this age forever
he is funny and sweet and easy
 he seems a little off today
he woke up twice last night which doesn't usually happen lately
normally he just wakes up between 5 and 7 to eat and goes back to sleep
 i'm hoping he doesn't have an ear infection
 it might just be another tooth
he now has his bottom two and one on top
but the other isn't far behind
 henry only sucks his thumb once in a while
i think he does it less than his sisters did at his age
but all of them did (do) it more as toddlers than babies

 i love those little toes

henry is a big fan of the applesauce my mom made him
i can't believe that in three short months my baby will be one! 
let's just hope it goes slowly
henry is super easy going lately
i think he likes that he doesn't have to be in his car seat so much 
now that we aren't driving to and from the kids to school constantly
he likes to eat but seems to like his bottle less and real food more
he is a pro at climbing the stairs 
and just yells for me when he wants to come back down
everyone loves him wherever we go and he likes the attention
he seems especially fond of hazel and michael these days
and kept saying da-da a bunch just this morning
i think he is close to waving and maybe has a little bit
and close to saying "hi", too
i feel silly thinking about how nervous i was to have a fifth child
henry has brought nothing but joy to our family
we adore him


Laurel said...

He is adorable! I love that age too.

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

He looks so big! Especially when he is just sitting there all by himself. So handsome!

miriam said...

he is seriously such a doll.