December 29, 2014

bedtime shenanigans

i've been taking some pictures at bedtime lately
just for fun
these were taken on three different evenings
 henry wouldn't put his legs down to crawl on the cold floor without pants on
so he bear crawled instead
 i'm pretty sure we were waiting for olive to stop throwing a fit
this happens pretty often
 double airplane ride
and olive likes to wear ballet skirts over her pajamas

 henry loves it when hazel spins him around upside down

 olive was folding her hands very carefully
 we've started reading book of mormon stories again lately
and it holds the kids attention way better than the regular book of mormon
 silly girls
 hazel is finally going to lose her first tooth soon
last night we did lots of wiggling and took a picture in case it comes out today
she will have a new smile soon


Shirley said...

Love your bedtime pictures!

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

So sweet. In that second to last picture Eleanor really looks like Noah. Crazy. And Ryan was a late tooth-loser. She is eight and has only lost 4 teeth!