May 27, 2014

hazel is six!

 our darling hazel is six years old!
her birthday was on memorial day this year just like the day she was born!
she got to celebrate a day early, too while her grandparents were here
here she is with the cake they got her
 on her actual birthday, we went out to breakfast at ihop (her choice)
and then went to the boise zoo
the kids were super excited about the giraffe slide
 the zoo was a bit smaller than we realized
but the kids really liked the jellyfish and lions
 and here's the birthday girl with the giraffes
 here we all are with a t-rex
 cute kiddies
 we had to ride the carousel of course
 we were excited to see the zebras, too
 after the zoo we ate at chipotle and came home so hazel could open her presents
 and eat some more cake
 hazel is such a great girl
she makes me proud all the time
she is kind and thoughtful and so smart 
she will be an amazing mom
and is already a wonderful sister and daughter
i feel like she is one of my peers
she is super mature and i love that she cares about other people's feelings
she is athletic, loves to read, loves to play games and drawing is her favorite
she is also really good at writing stories 
she gets shy if you pay her too much attention
hazel is such a blessing in our lives
happy birthday, hazel faye! we love you!!


miriam said...

I LOVE that picture of Hazel on the carousel!

Natalie Smith said...

what a pretty birthday girl!!!

{natalie} said...

Yeah for Chipotle on your birthday and the zoo looks fun!

Hazel is such a sweetie!