May 31, 2014

getting adjusted...we've been here for a week!

we've been here for a week (8 days) and we still love it
the girls have decided their tub isn't too bad as long as there are bubbles
although they all prefer the big tub in our room
 i love having a corner kitchen sink and watching the kids play in the back yard while i do the dishes
 we love living close to trader joes!
 henry likes trader joes, too
 michael is super dad 
he carried all three girls into costco
 henry turned two months old this week
we just love this cute little boy
 noah made michael and i fruit kabobs this week
this one was called "princess leia"
 on hazel's birthday i looked up while we were watching beauty and the beast
and loved seeing all my favorite people in one place enjoying time together
  in our back yard there are four or five raised planter boxes
that we may plant something in soon
but for now i'm loving that the kids have a place to play in the dirt
(it makes the tiny sand box we bought before we moved seem super lame)
noah spends hours out there
the other day he buried his legs :)
 here's another view of the backyard 
and eleanor sitting at the little table
 there is a really nice park nearby that has big rocks to climb, large instruments to play,
a splash pad and a fishing pond
 the kids all love it
 they all made it to the top of this big rock several times
silly michael doesn't love the sun as much as i do
we have almost all our boxes unpacked
i'm sooo glad we moved here with a week to settle in before michael starts work
we have two spots where we need couches but only one couch 
so for now our living room looks similar to how it looked at our last house
but soon we'll probably be moving this couch upstairs and getting something else down here
either way it's nice for it to feel like home
 eleanor is talking sooo well lately
she's getting so big
but i love peeking at her sleeping whenever i get the chance
to remind myself she's still little
michael starts work on monday
i'm a little nervous for our grown up life to start 
(aka michael begin gone alllll the time for the rest of our lives)
but so far boise seems pretty great
and we're really happy with the home we're renting


Charlene said...

Your house looks wonderfully huge!! Hope Michael loves his job.

Debbie said...

Thanks for posting all these great pictures! Cute, cute, cute family :)

Natalie Smith said...

Yay! I have been waiting for house pictures. What a great home!

Monica said...

Your house looks so nice! Wherever you live it always looks great. How nice to have such a great back yard. And a Trader Joe's. Love it!