January 20, 2014

michael asked me to marry him seven years ago today

it's been seven years since we got engaged
we'd had a long day together driving back from running an errand in port angeles
 i had to turn something in to the college for a class i was taking
while i was inside, michael hung out with noah in the car
 noah called michael "dada" that day for the first time
when he told me i didn't necessarily believe him 
 and may have denied it but i find it really sweet now
 i remember michael kept messing with me all day pretending he had a ring in his pocket
and not pulling one out
i was getting a little tired of his joke
we drove noah to my ex-inlaws so my ex-husband could watch him while we went out to dinner
we waited forever at the cheesecake factory
and got a perfectly secluded table
michael and i ate and were waiting on a piece of strawberry cheesecake
when he "went to the bathroom" and i got nervous we'd left noah too long
so i asked our waitress if we could get our cheesecake "to go" 
my brother called and i was talking to him 
when our waitress brought our cheesecake out to us with a ring on the plate
and michael proposed to me
it was really sweet and surreal and all i could mutter out was, "oh, michael"
it was the prettiest ring i'd ever seen
and of course i said yes
then we went to get noah and announced we were engaged
and my ex-husband right then and there said that if we were getting married, he'd let michael adopt him
it was amazing 
noah was 9 months old
here's the only picture from that night
 we were super lucky that today landed on mlk day so we could celebrate
and we went to the cheesecake factory for lunch
with the kids! it was a little crazy but pretty fun
 i love this pretty girl
 even if she's the grumpiest almost-two-year-old you've ever met recently
 i can't believe that by our 7th wedding anniversary we will have FIVE kids! 
we move quick i guess

 we ate our lunch and shared two pieces of cheesecake
that godiva is my favorite for sure!
our lives changed forever 7 years ago
and i am so grateful that they did
michael is the best
 i am so lucky to be his wife
and so grateful we could spend the day together


Tami said...

That is such a sweet story. I'm so happy for your sweet eternal family!

Shirley said...

What a great story. I am so happy for both of you. You are great people and wonderful parents.

Natalie Smith said...

What a great story and a wonderful way to spend the day!

Chelsea said...

So cute, miss you guys :)

lilibet said...

You guys are darling. I can just imagine the stress of the day being swallowed up with that moment.