January 24, 2014

crazy hair day, sliding inside, 30 week baby bump

noah and hazel had crazy hair day at school this week
olive couldn't be left out
long winter days get a little old
so we brought the slide inside
and the girls had lots of fun sliding in the kitchen
in their pajamas

today was "dress as your favorite book character" day
michael nailed  it helping noah look like calvin from calvin and hobbes
don't mind that he wore hazel's shirt to school :) 
 hazel dressed as pinkalicious
but wasn't a fan of getting her picture taken
michael snuck this one while she was brushing her teeth
before her bus came
 i am thirty weeks today
but this little boy is measuring five weeks ahead! 
that mixed with the pelvic pain i've had this week is making me a little nervous
i feel way further ahead than i am
i hope i make it nine more weeks
then we have his c-section scheduled for 39 weeks
i'm so relieved to have a scheduled birth this time!!
michael's first selfie :) 
 eleanor is so funny lately
she took a nap earlier and when we got her up
she had taken her shirt and pants off
and pulled a princess dress into her bed
i'm sure she was trying to get into it
and later in the day she was sitting in this chair
and trying to rock back in it! 
i can't believe how young she's doing that
she's just like her big sisters...and dad leaning back in their chairs
she is also talking so much and so well lately
it is such a relief after olive having so much trouble
eleanor is repeating everything and her speech is getting clearer all the time
poor olive is still struggling but she is improving slowly
hopefully preschool next year will help


The Asay's said...

I sure hope that baby holds out for you. I feel like Ian measured by as well. Those boys grow fast :)

Rachel said...

Preschool really helped for Avery. Her speech is like night and day. I'm sure Olive will improve quickly once she gets into preschool.

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Your kids are so grown up (I pretty much say that every time). And I also hope that Henry can hold out a little while longer. I agree about scheduled births. So nice. Mine were induced but still having that day to count down to was nice. Your are doing great!