June 26, 2013

mona reservoir

michael decided to hang out with us today
rather than go to school
so we went to story time at the library
and then wanted to find some water to play in
we tried utah lake first (yuck)
and then drove down to mona reservoir
(also pretty yuck)
the kids were having fun
but there were so many bugs
and the water was pretty mucky 
so we didn't stay for too long
and ended up at our local splash pad
but it was fun spending the day together
and exploring utah

we've heard there are some good reservoirs to play at
so we'll have to keep exploring
and hope we have better luck next time


Natalie Smith said...

Sorry the water was yucky...the setting is beautiful! Love when Daddy takes a skip day...fun for everyone!

Janet said...

We thought the same thing about Utah lake. Huge Mosquitoes! I know there was a huge reservoir we drove to - I can't remember the name and will have to ask Steve.

Kristin said...

You should try Spanish Fork Reservoir. I can't say the water is amazingly clear... but it has lots of sand to play in and I've never had a problem with bugs there. Utah Lake is kind of notorious for being disgusting. :(

Marzipan said...
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Marzipan said...

There are a few waterfalls I've heard are fun to go play in...maybe one in Payson???? It's on our bucket list for this summer :)