June 30, 2013


we are really enjoying our summer
i love having all my kiddies home with me
here are some of the things we've been up to
 1. after we cleaned the church building noah and olive were holding hands
2. doing their things. it's fun to see how they occupy themselves now that we watch so much less tv
3. at the dentist. all the kids did great. only hazel has cavities and has to stop sucking her thumb (poor girl)
4. the other day eleanor folded her arms for the dinner prayer all on her own
5. hazel read hop on pop and noah sat patiently and helped her with the tough words
6. at the summer dollar movie with friends
7. me and noah waiting for lunch at city creek
8. hazel and clare matching for a playdate
9. olive is learning how to ride hazel's old bike and doing really well! not bad for an almost three year old
10. lots of pillow forts going on around here. it almost always involves noah covering olive. they both love it.
11. noah wrote me the sweetest note the other day, "Thank you for all you'r hard wrok"
12. i sported the skirt i recently scored at a yard sale for $1 to church today


leighmichellec said...

wonderful pictures! I love that skirt!

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

Cute skirt. You look great!

andre'a said...

you look so pretty and skinny, Frenchie!