March 28, 2013

the living room

we've had a few changes since i last posted our living room
i think the biggest improvement is paint
but we've also changed couches, switched lamps with our bedroom,
added the expedit bench for toy storage and currently there's a little easter decor

we have considered painting the tv stand but that seems like too big of a job for right now,
i need to paint the black frames a lighter color (probably gray),
and i would love a new light fixture (michael doesn't think it's necessary)
other than that i love this room. it is so much brighter
and since we have painted most of the places we've lived during our marriage
this color, it really feels like home now

ps. do you love how eleanor made it into almost every picture?

pss. the paint color is sherwin william's crystal clear


Shirley said...

Yes, I noticed Eleanor in the pictures. What a sweetheart. Your front room looks great.

Burkulater said...

That is so pretty!! We have a warm color scheme and I want to change over to something like this so badly! Looks great!

Brianne Pitts-Wells said...

I always love your rooms, and I love how often you mix things up. Okay, quick question, where did you get your rug? I am in the market, and am not really sure where to look. Especially 'cause rugs are so dang expensive.

Rachael said...

Brianne, I got it off of and every holiday they have big sales so this rug (I think it's an 8x10) was only like $80 plus free shipping. Pretty sweet, right?

Jared and Megan said...

Hey! So I don't remember how I found out about your blog... Maybe it was Pinterest? Anyway, just wanted to say you have great taste and your living room and your child are adorable. :)

Also I've been in a furniture painting frenzy for the past couple of weeks so you should just bring your tv stand over to my garage and join me! With kids it takes at least 3 times as long. It's a blast. ;)

Natalie Smith said...

it looks so great. so homey and modern all at the same time.

andre'a said...

love, love, love!