September 27, 2012

our living room

 here's our living room
so far in the two months of living here:
we have hung curtains
extended our white curtains to the length of the floor
because of ceiling is taller

 spray painted the campaign chest
i painted our end tables white (so glad i did)
and stenciled the pillow covers

things i would like to do still|:
find a gigantic rug or rearrange so it feels less stark
(it is a surprisingly big room)

print updated pictures of our family
maybe spray paint the lamps
and cover the lampshades with some color
i wish:
there wouldn't be a window to the kitchen in here
we could buy an awesome new couch (ha!)
we would paint the walls a really smooth soft gray
 (though it would be a huge job)
but it's a rental
and we're super poor on a tight budget :)
but i firmly believe no matter your circumstance
you should love where you live


Brittney said...

the lamp shades would look good that teal color on the pillows. :)

Natalie Smith said...

i agree. love where you live and take pride in making it a space you call home!
everything looks great tho...the space is wonderful!

The Asay's said...

Love it. Love the chest you painted the most.

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

I just had to look at the picture of Noah and Oilve {spotting the cat}, again. And it totally made me crack up, again! xD
Your living room looks great! Lol and what do you mean get a new sofa?! Isn't that one, one you guys had wanted, and ended up getting an awesome deal on?! It still looks great! :D
Could you put a curtain, or some type of shutters, in the little window to the kitchen?

Valerie Isham said...

i love this! you always decorate so clean cute and creative with your budget! now im going to live by your believe of loving where you live no matter the circumstance. im off to do my place now! ;)

Nikki said...

Try creating a cozier seating area by floating the furniture away from the walls. It looks so sparse because of this. A rug won't help if all the furniture is against the wall like they're being arrested!