March 17, 2013

st. patrick's day

other than trying to remember to wear green on st. patty's day,
i have never celebrated it
for some reason our kids are waaay in to it this year
i guess the schools around here go all out
in hazel's classroom a naughty leprechaun left green paint on the toilet
and noah's teacher suggested building a leprechaun trap
so when we let them pick dessert from a provo bakery the other day
they all chose shamrock cookies
then on friday noah didn't have school so we spent the morning decorating the box we would use to 
trap our leprechaun
last night we set the trap
using pretend money and gold coins
as well as marshmallows
 when i asked noah what he would do with a leprechaun if he caught one, 
he said "i would study it and then let it go" 
sounds like a little scientist
 sadly, he couldn't stick around
and he got out of our trap
but he left the kids a nice note and his favorite cereal
noah was a little skeptical that the leprechaun could buy cereal at the store
he thinks i did that...

happy st. patrick's day!


Unknown said...

What an awesome idea...we may have to do that too considering it's a new celebratory holiday! Cody's school really hyped it up too:)

The Asay's said...

I love that Noah is going to study the leprechaun. Smart boy. Your kiddos are so cute.

andre'a said...

I totally "LOL'd!" that is so cute and adorable, Frenchie!

miriam said...

Noah is hilarious.

Laurel said...

What a cute idea!