March 14, 2013


we've been spending more time at home
taking less trips to stores
cooking more meals, eating out less
i am loving that we're on a good schedule
and i enjoy cooking for our family every night
after dinner the kids love to play outside with michael
while i clean up dinner
it's so perfect
tonight i snuck out to take some pictures
 eleanor looked like such a cute ragamuffin 
her hair is getting really long and wild
she is also getting better at balancing
and almost daring to take steps 
the kids looove to jump
and tonight they played catch with their friends over the fence
 hubsy chatting with me
 then when it was time to come inside
i was tired 
(a mix of staying up late and running in the morning is wearing me out)
i layed on the living room floor
and all the kids piled on top
of course
 eleanor is so obsessed with my hair
notice it's in her mouth
i love these wild kids
and i love feeling like i have a handle on motherhood
it doesn't happen as often as it used to..


Monica said...

I'm glad you are finding your groove. I've heard you are running a lot ~ it might be the endorphins talking :) You're doing a great job!

andre'a said...

so proud of you for all of these healthy changes, Frenchie! you have F-O-U-R kids--that's alot. please cut yourself some slack from before and be happy you're where you're at now. each day's a new beginning.

Aimee said...

love the pictures...