January 24, 2013

i'm a mom

you know how you always hear those things about moms
like it's the greatest sacrifice
you lose yourself
you give up your body
you were never the same
you cook the same five things
you're a short order cook
all you ever do is run the kids to and from things
the house is never clean
well somehow i like to think i'm the exception to the mom things
like i can have 4 (or even more) kids and rock it
and come out unscathed
it turns out...it's just how it is
and i'm trying to be ok with it

ps. you know what makes me feel most like a mom?
vacuuming with a baby on my hip
and helping the kids with homework
what makes you feel most like a mom?


Tami said...

I was just thinking about this the other night. I was putting dinner in the oven, cutting up some cucumber for a snack for Ellie, I could feel the baby kicking, and i was trying to straighten the living room up while she was in her high chair. I just thought "Whoa, I'm a mom, when did that happen?"

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Well at least you're a hot, and hip, mom!!

tallia said...

i feel the same way! and it makes me understand my mom on a whole different level (but i still cringe when i say things to my kids that she used to say to ME when i was little). cooking dinner makes me feel like a mom or wandering around target with both my kids in the cart, pushing kids in carts is the ultimate mom thing for me.

leighmichellec said...

lol- this makes me smile. I could just COPY AND PASTE all of this! Love it!

Candace Shiflet said...

I'm not a mom yet but I am a nanny. haha I feeeel like a mother when I am comforting those sweet children when they are sad. I love it!

Lovely Little Rants

Natalie Smith said...

the vacuuming with a baby on the hip is a better workout! haha...that is how i look at it.

miriam said...

I agree that you are a hot and hip mom! vacuuming/laundry with a baby on my hip is my ultimate mom moment. or when I am trying to get somewhere and I'm getting babies dressed/hair done/in car seats. or those moments when I am about to pull my hair out, and I remember why I want to pull my hair out... because I have babies and I am a mom. then I smile. :)

Rachael said...

You guys are the best. Thanks for making this mama feel better.

Marilou said...

♥ We miss you guys. We just had a whole conversation in PS I love you about things we said we would never do as a mom, but that we do now. My favorites were things like cleaning kids faces with your spit, letting kids out of the house looking like orphans, and letting them watch a certain amount of tv. All out the window for sure.

Marie said...

Totally the vacuuming with a baby on my hip...Lyss will not let me not hold her! I feel the most like a mom every morning when I wake up to an almost 4 year old taking up most of my bed and doing this during the night without me noticing at all:)

Kelli Dixon said...

It's the chaos at the grocery store that makes me feel most like a mom... when I feel like people are staring at me thinking, why can't she get it together? But then there are those tender moments that are sweet and simple and I feel like a mom, but in a good way :)

Unknown said...

Hmm grocery shopping with staring people (as I promise my kids treats) is up there. I love this post! and I love that you wrote it because you always seem/seemed to have it together. It reminds me it's ok to be human!

Lisa said...

OH yes! Many times I find myself just running in circles. But at the end of the day I always think there's nothing better. And I feel most like a mom when everyone (including the hubby) come running to me to solve their problems. Haha! Sometimes we just need mama. Usually everyone needs mama at the same time, too, right?! But it's the best, that's for sure. :)

Lisa said...

You have such a beautiful family! I enjoy your blog and find inspiration from you. Thanks for sharing!

andre'a said...

oh French, you pull off motherhood so beautifully! And remember, it even took 4 kids to semi-slow you down. I think for me, night-night meltdowns or afternoon nap meltdowns are when my motherhood surges. It's a a crazy world.

Mommy Moreno said...

omg - i love this!! I dont care what you say though. Youre rockin' it! I love your candor and dedication to blogging.