January 27, 2013

a grumpy baby wearing a turban

i made eleanor this turban yesterday using this tutorial
don't mind her scrunched up nose or her i-need-a-nap eyes
these were taken after a long day at church
and did i mention that she has a burst eardrum and an ear infection in the other ear?
(poor girl never got a fever so we didn't know she had an ear infection until her ear was draining fluid)
it's been a rough week for her


Debbie said...

What causes an eardrum to burst? Just from the infection? How do they treat it? Any long term effects? Sounds painful!

Rachael said...

Yeah, it's just from an infection. At her 9 month appointment the Dr. said she was on the verge of an infection so to watch for a fever but she never got one. A few weeks later she was a little fussier than normal but not too bad and then she didn't sleep much one night and she had fluid draining the next day so it had burst overnight. She is on antibiotics and using ear drops. The doctor will check to make sure it has closed on its own in two weeks and if it hasn't, she'll have to see an ENT. I've had mine burst and it is SUPER painful. I'm surprised she wasn't way fussier.

Marie said...

Poor girl! I hope she feels better soon! But I must say, that second picture makes me smile! She is absolutely beautiful:)

Kelli Dixon said...

Oh, poor girl! Love the little turban! I think I need to make one for Kharisma.

Mom Fashion World said...

She's so cute in polka dot headband.
I'm sucker for polka dots.

I came across your blog through Mama Style Link Up. Hope you can visit my blog.


Natalie Smith said...

she looks so cute in that. the title of this post is so funny.

Marsa said...

soooo cute!! i think i need that for myself :)

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andre'a said...

poor baby doll! sheesh, you'd think this were supposed to be a health informational blog by "anonymous's" questions! Web-MD, people!