October 4, 2012

eleanor is six months old

our little baby is half a year old!
eleanor is not quite as easy going as she used to be
but it's hard to say what is personality and what is health related
we're anxious for her GI appointment next week
 she can get where she wants to go 
with a mix of crawling and scooting
she learned how to get out of her swing...
but still really enjoys the exersaucer
(thank goodness) 

she loves to chew on things (usually her feet)
and play with toys
she has been ahead of the game as far as rolling, scooting, playing
than her siblings which is fun
i guess she's just trying to keep up
happy half birthday, baby girl!


Kate Clayton said...

When did this happen? She is just too cute!

Marie said...

What a sweetheart!! I can't believe how fast time goes! It sounds like she won't have a problem being left behind:) Miss you guys!!

Natalie Smith said...

Such a doll.

miriam said...

she is so cute!! happy half Eleanor!