August 18, 2012

will drive for chipotle

today we had two goals
to find noah some new tennis shoes for school
and to get chipotle 

 first stop---chipotle
because it's delicious
 such a content baby, we love her!
 michael and i were each showing olive the best way to drink out of a straw
my way is normal
michael's is using the side of his mouth
olive would copy each of us, it was funny
 we all love chipotle, and we can't say that about many places
because hazel is picky 
but she loves black beans
so she eats those and chips and she's happy
 when we were deciding if it was worth us driving the 30ish miles to chipotle
we decided in pullman we'd drive more than that to lewiston
on any given weekend so we figured, why not?
here are our little matching mannequins 

we went shopping after lunch
and found noah some good tennies 
so all in all a success!


miriam said...

cute family :) I think driving 30 minutes to chipotle is totally worth it! especially now that I have to drive 45 minutes to get to the nearest grocery store... wyoming is the worst!

Rachael said...

Miriam, I'm so sorry! I thought Pullman was pushing it as far as being "out there". You'll find fun things to do, I'm sure!

andre'a said...

French, HOW FUN! p.s.) you're SUPER SKINNY! look at you! SOOOO glad you got some Chipotle and a good time was had by all. LOVE YOU! Can't wait to talky soon!

Kate Clayton said...

I live right by a Chipotle and have never tried it. Maybe you should come visit me sometime and we can go for lunch ;). How does it compare to good ol' Cafe Rio?

Rachael said...

Kate, that is so funny because we hear about Cafe Rio all the time but we haven't been yet. We'll have to get together for lunch to both places!

Natalie Smith said...

I was thinking the same thing as are looking super! What is the secret? ;)
Glad you guys got a yummy treat. You are so blessed Eleanor is so chill and darling!