August 17, 2012

utah county fair

 we went to the fair yesterday
and enjoyed things like painting, crafts for kids,
the small animals (our kids are afraid of big ones),
rides and a little fair food

 i am disappointed to realize that the older i get, 
the less i like heights
i used to love to be up high when i was little, like hazel
we were on the fastest ferris wheel and she loved it
i was a little freaked out, myself
olive handled the one ride she went on
better than her siblings at her same age
but she doesn't love rides yet
eleanor tolerated the heat of the day
it was fun to go
noah starts school in a few days


Natalie Smith said...

i have always loved rides and after each baby my body can't take it a little more. i hate it!!!
looks like a fun day for your family. fairs are the best!

andre'a said...

French, what a FUN time! You look hot, by the way, not fa' nuthin'...

Ben said...

Your kids are too cute!!! Hazel's hair is beautiful!!!!! Look's like you guys are loving Utah. Can't wait to see you guys. I just googled the directions to Utah. 20+ hours. I was thinking it was only 15. What's 5 more hours?!?!? I'll call and confirm everything once we get Ben's Holiday work schedule. Fingers crossed he gets a lot of time before and after like last year!!!!

chelseyandmatt said...

It looks like you are settling right in to Provo! How fun! You look great also, love your posts!!

Kate Clayton said...

You busy family. Before you know it, you guys will have done more things in Utah than I ever have. Looks like fun! Let's get together soon. Let me know when things have settled down!

andre'a said...

Eleanor totally looks like Donna! I can't believe I didn't see it before! It's the eyes, I think the shape of them. Darling, darling girl!