June 21, 2012

water park

today it was finally hot enough to go to the water park
it was in the eighties
so michael came home from work early 
and we spent four hours there!
 eleanor is such a nice baby
i started out with her in the moby wrap
but it was kind of awkward trying to keep her completely covered
i was worried she was too hot so she spent the rest of the time happily in her car seat
 michael having fun with hazel
 olive playing with michael
 me and the girls
 olive looks so sweet
too bad she's not really that content just sitting there
that girl keeps us buuuuuuuusy
she liked being there way more than i expected
and wouldn't take a break to warm up
 hazel with purple lips
when i was little if i was even just a tiny bit cold in water
my lips turned purple
and our poor kids are the same way
 the girls (minus eleanor)
noah warming up

sometimes i think we're a little too ambitious
when we do things like take all four kids grocery shopping,
out to dinner, or on a bike ride
so i worried we couldn't really handle the water park
but it went better than expected
and it was so nice to be out in the sun


Natalie Smith said...

adorable pictures of your family. Looks like a wonderful day. Good job Michael for taking a short day. We believe in those 100% in our family!

Shirley said...

What great family fun pictures!

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

Oh Olive cracks me up! She reminds me SO much of Dmitri! Just constantly on the go, independent, curious, and so self assured!
All your kids are great, and kudos to you guys, for trying to get them out, even if it can be overwhelming! :)

andre'a said...

French! you look GORGEOUS! I'm so happy that you guys got out and enjoyed a very isolated warm day there. Sure wish we could share the wealth of heat here...