June 16, 2012

i couldn't do it

as hard as a milk protein free diet is
i tried to switch eleanor to formula last night
and she took it
but it felt way too painful (emotionally) to stop nursing her
she is so little
and such a good nurser
i decided to nurse her again this morning
i don't know if i'll last an entire year nursing her 
while on this diet
but i would rather not eat eggs, cheese, milk, ice cream, etc.
than stop nursing her right now
she is worth the sacrifice
i will probably just try adding foods 
with small amounts of milk-protein
back in my diet, little by little
we'll see how it goes
i just love eleanor


Natalie Smith said...

You are a sweet mommy!

miriam said...

you are such a great little mommy. good luck!

Kelli Dixon said...

You are just amazing. And make beautiful children. :)

andre'a said...

oh French, I FEEL FOR YOU! it's that much more of a sacrifice for you because of how much you LOVE dairy. I'm so glad you've gotten that strong bond with little Eleanor. Love you!

Marie said...

It is amazing...the things we will do for these little sweethearts! You are an incredible mom!