June 15, 2012

five year anniversary

today is our five year anniversary
yesterday the kids had a dentist appointment in spokane
so we spent the night there just for fun
to celebrate our anniversary as a family
despite staying on the 5th floor of a hotel overlooking the river,
taking them to a movie, swimming, lots of treats, etc
they were brats
and we left spokane early with hazel and me in tears
we should have stuck to our original plan of michael's parents watching the kids
oh well
thank goodness for good friends
the livelys watched the kids this evening so we could go out to dinner
we even left eleanor for the first time
so it was a relaxing evening without kids
and michael got me an anniversary band as a gift
so that was really sweet
we also made the decision to switch eleanor to formula today
so i can quit the super strict diet i've been on for the last 5 weeks
and we shared a piece of Belgian chocolate cheesecake
it was amazing 
and i'm excited to eat normally again

i am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband
kind of crazy we have 4 kids and we've only been married 5 years now
but it has a been a really fun journey
and we're excited to see where we are in another 5 years
love you, michael!


Marie said...

You look so great!! Eleanor is absolutely beautiful...and I am so glad you have had a wonderful 5 years! Happy Anniversary!

Natalie Smith said...

eleanor is just too cute! Glad you got to have a night alone. Happy anniversary!

Ashley said...

Happy Anniversary!!! What awesome accomplishments in just 5 years!! You continually amaze me! And your kids are gorgeous!

Shirley said...

Happy Anniversary. I admire you and Michael. You are a great couple and wonderful parents.

The Asay's said...

happy anniversary!

Brittney said...

happy anniversary!

Kelli Dixon said...

Happy anniversary! I'm glad you were able to go out with just the two of you! Love that picture of Eleanor, so cute!