May 9, 2012

one month old

eleanor turned a month old last week
 eleanor is so calm (thank goodness)
she sleeps a lot of the day
and has her most alert time from around 7-10pm
which is pretty nice since 7pm is when the other kids go to bed
then around 10pm she falls asleep
i put her in her cradle
and she sleeps for around 6 hours straight
then when she wakes up
i bring her into our bed and she nurses and sleeps the rest of the night
she is starting to give little hints of a smile
and loves to look at me
her hair a light brown/strawberry blond
and i think it's going to get lighter and lighter
plus it's curly when it's wet
the kids just love her
and hazel asks to hold her probably 15 times a day
the adjustment to four has been a little tricky
but not because of eleanor
just because it's a lot of kids
i can't really take them all anywhere by myself yet
but we do make it out to the playground occasionally
and we're all happy she's here
even if the house is never clean
and i rarely shower..


leighmichellec said...

She is adorable!

amy welch said...

She is sooo cute! Love her dress too!

Natalie Smith said...

Colby was alert and fun in the late evening too! I cherished that time .

Marie said...

It's amazing how much you appreciate a real shower after becoming a mom:) She is so adorable!! I just love her!