March 29, 2012

things i learned

at my ob appointment today

i am measuring 43 weeks along (FORTY THREE)
just like last week i am 1 centimeter dilated and 50% effaced (NO CHANGE)
the baby's head is slightly lower but still high and not engaged
my doctor will be out of town all weekend until tuesday
if by wednesday i haven't had the baby i get a c-section
 my weight is uncomfortably close to michaels
part of me wants to be put out of my misery already if it's going to end in c-section
but i know that if i am still pregnant by wednesday, i will have given it all i have
and i won't regret that
i'm hoping that the looming deadline will scare this little one out
and at least now i have SOMETHING i can count on
a little light at the end of the tunnel

ps. thank you kelli for watching my girls during my appt
and for the delicious cookies!!!


Shirley said...

Your precious little one will be here soon.

Natalie Smith said...

typically, if the doctor goes out of town the baby comes! fingers crossed! hang in there! i can't believe you are measuring 43 weeks...jaw dropping!

Monica said...

Yay, for another plan. I hope you get a crack at a v bac, though. Karate kicks did it for me with Hal's.

Daniel, Sara, Dmitri & Paige said...

43 weeks along?! I'm crossing my fingers for you, that she makes her grand entrance -- before the c-section! At my appt yesterday, I'm not dilated, but have a very very soft cervix. Which I'm not sure means anything really... :[ I've read too, that second, third, fourth, etc babies, don't typically engage, until right before labor - where as your first baby will engage weeks before birth. So that's kind of frustrating too. I keep comparing this pregnancy, with Dmitri's, even though they've been completely different! But at 36 weeks with him, I was already dilated to a two! And, he was here at 37 and a half weeks... Which is like now. Blah! Waiting is so hard - but I really hope you can have a vbac! I know how important it is for you! Lol maybe pull out the castor oil XP

miriam said...

If you want you can take Ruby for a walk. She'll make you walk super fast to get that baby out. And I can watch your kids since they are terrified of her. And if it makes you feel any better, I outweighed Garrett by 20lbs by the end of my pregnancy. I will send all kinds of labor thoughts and wishes your way. Come on baby!!

chelseyandmatt said...

Seriously Rachael, you have got to be one of the toughest people I know! I am a baby the last couple weeks of my pregnancies and want them baby out! Way to hold strong! If you need a jogging partner, call me...maybe that will get things going ;)

Erin said...

You are a trooper! Hopefully she decides to show up soon!